
City Council Election Information

  • City Council elections are conducted on the first Saturday in May of each year. 
  • Council Members Ward 1, Ward 3, Ward 5 and At-Large are elected on odd years. 
  • Council Members Ward 2, Ward 4 and Mayor are elected on even years.  
  • All Council Members and Mayor are elected for two-year terms.  
  • There are no term limits.
  • Nathan Fuchs, Mayor
    Jeremy Vaculin,  Council Member Ward 1
    Tommy Harris, Council Member Ward 2
    Kyle Deal, Mayor Pro-Tem;Council Member Ward 3
    Jimmy Pratt, Council Member Ward 4
    Barbara Dominguez, Council Member Ward 5
    Cliff Cryer, Council Member At-Large

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QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE:  Per the City Charter, Article II, Section 13.

Each council member shall be a resident of the city of Cameron, and have qualifications of voters therein and further each council member running for a specific ward other than a candidate seeking the office of mayor or council member at large shall be a resident of the respective ward for election to which position said person files. The council member and other officers of the city shall not be indebted to the city; shall not hold any other public office; and shall not be interested in the profits of any contract, job or work for the municipality or interested in the sale to the city of any supplies, equipment, material or articles purchased. Any officer or council member of the city who shall cease to possess any qualifications herein required shall forfeit his office or position and any contract in which any officer shall or may become interested shall be void.

Regardless of any other provision in the Charter of the city of Cameron to the contrary notwithstanding, if any, no person shall hold the position of council member or mayor unless said person is a resident of the city and of the respective district six (6) months preceding the first day of the filing period.

Election Division Contact Information
Questions/comments regarding City elections should be directed to the City Secretary’s office:
Cameron City Hall, 100 South Houston Avenue, Post Office Box 833, Cameron, Texas 76520;
by phone at 254-697-6646; or by email to citycam@camerontexas.net.