Resolution No. 2021-05-05-008
Resolution No. 2021-07-19-009 Comprehensive Plan 2021-2031
Resolution No. 2021-07-19-021
Resolution No. 2021-02-16-021
Resolution No. 2021-03-15-014
Resolution No. 2021-04-05-011
Resolution No. 2020-09-08-014
Resolution authorizing resale of property held in trust
Resolution No. 2020-09-08-013
Resolution authorizing resale of properties held in trust
Resolution No. 2020-09-08-016
A resolution authorizing the filing of an application to the EDA for public works and economic adjustment assistance program
Resolution No. 2020-08-03-011
A resolution approving a parks and recreation master parks plan.
Resolution No. 2020-07-20-018
A resolution adopting guidelines regulations and provisions for tax abatement agreements and reinvestment zones...providing for severability; repealing conflicting resolutions; and establishing an effective date.
Resolution No. 2020-08-03-13
A resolution making certain declarations and providing direction pursuant to Texas Tax Code.
Resolution No. 2020-08-03-012
Resolution No. 2020-04-20-016
A resolution finding that Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC's application for approval to amend its distribution cost recovery factor to increase distribution rates within the city...
Resolution No. 2020-07-06-008
A resolution selecting an engineer in conjunction with submittal of an application for funding through the Texas General Land Office Community Development and Revitalization Hurricane Harvey Mitigation State Competition Fund.
Resolution No. 2020-06-01-010
A resolution authorizing the filing of an application to the EDA for Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Program...
Resolution No. 2020-06-01-009
A resolution authorizing the filing of an application to the Texas Division of Emergency Management for Coronavirus Relief Fund...
Resolution 2020-05-18
A resolution selecting a grant writer/administrator in conjunction with the submittal of an application for funding through the Texas General Land Office CDBG-MIT
Resolution No. 2020-03-27-002
A resolution authorizing continued participation with the Steering Committee of Cities served by Oncor...
Resolution No. 2020-03-02-011
Resolution No. 2020-03-27-002
Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cameron Texas directing all individuals living in the City to shelter at their place of residence…
Resolution No. 2019-02-19-011
Resolution Authorizing Signatories
A resolution designating authorized signatories for contractual documents and documents for requesting funds pertaining to TxCDBG Contract Number 7219024.
Resolution No. 2019-12-02-015
A resolution regarding a fiance contract for the purpose of procuring equipment and vehicles for the general fund and water and sewer fund.
Resolution No. 2019-11-18-010
A resolution approving a selection for the Milam Appraisal District Board of Directors
Resolution No. 2019-09-16-010
A resolution authorizing the submission of a contract amendment request for TxCDBG program
Resolution No. 2019-08-05-011
Support for H. R. 2220 to accomplish an expanded I-14 designation
Resolution No. 2019-07-15-012
Resolution responding to Atmos Energy application to increase rates
Resolution 2019-05-13-002
Canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the annual general election held on May 4 2019
Resolution No. 2019-05-06-11
Denial of Oncor's application for approval to amend its Distribution Cost Recovery Factor
Resolution No. 2019-04-15-010
Proposal for a Lease Agreement regarding the acquisition and financing of the Equipment a new road grader.
Resolution No. 2019-04-01-015
Authorizing continued participation with the Steering Committee of Cities served by Oncor.
Resolution 2019.03.18
Authorizing filing of TxCDBG application to Texas Dept. of Agriculture
Resolution 2019-03-04
Resolution authorizing the award of professional service provider contracts for the 2019 Texas CDBG
Resolution No. 2018-06-18-010
Atmos MidTex 2018 SOI Resolution 2 Suspension FINAL
Resolution No. 2018-06-18-009
Hazard Mitigation Resolution
Resolution No. 2018-05-07-019
Denial Resolution 2018 Oncor Texas Docket No 48231
Resolution No. 2018-05-07-018
Model Resolution 2018 OCSC Assessment
Resolution No. 2018-05-07-007
Tax Abatement Eligibility
Resolution No. 2018-03-19-008
Resolution Appoint Judge
Resolution No. 2018-03-19-007
Atmos MidTex-ATM-RESOLUTION-Tax Change Reduction-RESOLUTION-030118
Resolution Stop and Yield Signs 2017
Stop and Yield Signs at 9th Street and Milam Street
Resolution 2017-12-04
Resolution TXCDBG Funds - Authorizing Signatories
Resolution No. 2017-07-03-008
Denial Resolution Oncor Rate Case
Resolution No. 2017-05-15-010
2-Atmos MidTex-2017 RRM-Resolution-1-Approving Settlement-FINAL
Resolution No. 2017-04-17-009
Suspension Resolution for Oncor Rate Case
Resolution No. 2017-02-06-008
GUD10580-ATM-Atmos-Intervention Resolution Rate Case
Resolution No. 2017-11-06-012
MAD Candidate Vote
Resolution No. 2017-11-06-009
Rifle-Resistant Body Armor Resolution
Resolution No. 2017-07-17-009
Aviation Resolution
Resolution No. 2017-02-06-008
ATM Atmos Intervention Resolution Rate Case
New Stop & Yield Signs Map
Resolution No. 2015-12-21-013
Resolution 3 W Gillis and Post Oak Mesquite s Columbus Ash Boedeker
Resolution No. 2015-11-16-007 20th 19th and 18 1/2 Streets Stop Signs
Resolution 2 Washington and 21st
Resolution No. 2016-09-06-017
Resolution 5 21st Street and Cleveland Ave Stop Signs
Resolution B 2016-11-07
Hiring Resolution B-TCF Airport
Resolution A 2016-11-07
Hiring Resolution A-TCF Industrial Park
Resolution 2016-10-17
Hiring Resolution 10.16
Resolution Authorizing Signatories 2016-10-17
Startup Resolutions - Cameron 7216081
Resolution No. 2016-09-06-016
NIBRS Conversion Grant
Resolution No. 2016-09-19-011
Approving Projects of the Cameron EDC
Resolution Loan Forgiveness 2016B
Resolution Loan Forgiveness 2016A
Resolution No. 2016-06-06-010
Hiring Resolution 2016
Resolution Notice 2016B
Resolution Notice 2016A
Notice 2016A
Resolution No. 2016-05-16-012
Model Resolution 2016 OCSC Assessment
Resolution No. 2016-05-16-011
Atmos MidTex 2016 RRM Resolution Approving Settlement
Resolution No. 2016-04-18-008
Resolution Initiating Rate Case
Resolution No. 2016-04-18-014
Resolution 4 West 5th 6th 7th 8th and 12th Streets Stop Signs
Resolution 2016-04-16
TWDB Resolution CWSRF 04.16
Resolution 2016-04-16
TWDB Resolution DWSRF 04.16
Resolution No. 2015-04-06-008
Tax Resolution Notice
Resolution No. 2015-08-03-008
6th Street and Jackson Ave 3-Way Stop
Resolution No. 2015-03-02-009
Resolution in Opposition to Senate Bill 343
Resolution No. 2015-09-08-011
Regional Emergency Communications District Participation Resolution
Resolution No. 2015-07-06-006
Police Department Resolution
Resolution No. 2015-04-06-009
Model Resolution Plus Attachment
Resolution No. 2015-11-02-007
Milam Appraisal District Candidate Vote Resolution
Resolution No. 2015-01-05-009
Community Development Block Grant Resolution 2015-2016
Resolution No. 2015-07-06-006
Communications Upgrade Grant Resolution
Resolution No. 2015-01-05-008
Cameron New Client Resolution
Resolution No. 2015-05-18-013
Atmos Mid Tex Final Resolution 2 Approving Settlement
Resolution No. 2014-05-05
Texas Water Development Board Contract A Resolution
Resolution No. 2014-05-05-009
Model Resolution Plus Attachment
Resolution No. 2014-04-21-006
Financing Resolution
Resolution No. 2014-04-07-008
Civil Section 3 Plan
Resolution No. 2014-05-05-008
Atmos Mid Tex Resolution - Denial
Resolution No. 2013-05-06-012
Upgrade Efficiency Grant Resolution
Resolution No. 2013-05-06-013
Support of Senator Lucio Bill
Resolution No. 2013-07-01-06
Onsite Sewage Facility Program Resolution
Resolution No. 2013-10-07-010
Milam County Appraisal District Candidate Nominations
Resolution No. 2013-06-03-007
Atmos Mid Tex Final Resolution